The Different Types Of Energy-Saving Halogen Bulbs And Their Uses

Squirrel Cage LED Bulbs 14Most businesses, homes, institutions, and other commercial spaces rely on halogen bulbs for their lighting needs. These lights produce bright, white-based lights. They are also known for their durability and flexibility. However, these bulbs are not energy efficient. However, modern halogen bulbs have been designed to consume less energy. They are designed with the latest lighting technology that emphasizes energy efficiency. The following guide will take you through top energy-saving bulbs and how they are used.


Before diving deeper into energy-saving halogen bulbs, it’s important to understand the basics. Here are common terms used when describing lighting bulbs.


This refers to the amount of electricity that’s produced by your bulbs. It can also be defined as the amount of power that passes through your cables when the switch is turned. For most energy-saving bulbs, the voltage rating is 110/120V.


Even though you’ll get 120 Volts from your sockets, you won’t consume it all at once. The amount your gadget will use at a specific period is defined as wattage. It’s measured in joules and varies from one device to another.


This is the light intensity you get. It’s the amount of brightness your bulb produces. Different bulbs are designed to offer different levels of brightness at varied wattages. So, be sure to check the bulb’s power ratings before making your final decision.

Types Of Bulbs

Technology has led to the invention of numerous light bulbs. They all come in unique designs and offer different specifics. The main aim is to conserve energy and produce maximum light intensity. Here are some of the most popular options:

Incandescent Tungsten Light Bulbs

When it comes to these bulbs, a tungsten filament is utilized. It’s surrounded by a clear or tinted glass globe. When power is on, the bulb becomes extremely hot. Nitrogen gas is usually added to enhance brightness. When power is turned on, the bulb usually becomes too hot. So, be careful not to touch a naked bulb.

Generally speaking, tungsten bulbs can last up to 1,000 hours. They produce soft white or warm, yellow light at an efficiency of 10 lumens per watt.

Halogen Light Bulbs

Halogen bulbs utilize the same technology as tungsten lightbulbs. Once the filament becomes heated, the surrounding gases glow red-hot releasing more lumens. Halogen gas is used to fill the glass globes. Other gases including iodine and bromine might also be used.

Compared to tungsten bulbs, halogens are much smaller. They don’t also get too hot. Plus, they have a better lumen rating of about 15 watts. They/’re slightly more efficient than tungsten bulbs. You can mount them on reflective cups for enhanced light intensity.

Fluorescent Light Bulbs

They’re popularly used in greenhouses. They provide sufficient illumination without disrupting the plant’s temperature settings. CFLs are the latest version of these fixtures. They’re more efficient than old-school fluorescent lights. You can easily fit them into your tungsten socket without performing additional customizations. Their luminosity level ranges between 30 and 60 lumens.

The Bottom-Line

Squirrel Cage LED Bulbs 15LEDs have become increasingly popular nowadays. Instead of heat, these bulbs utilize photons for light production. They feature smaller chips and are commonly mounted in doubles. They also don’t get too hot like filament-based bulbs.

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